Victoria University

Institute for health and sport

An introduction to Victoria University’s Institute for Health and Sport by Professor Alex Parker

Ageing Story

A team of Victoria University (VU) researchers, led by Dr Sarah Voisin and Professor Nir Eynon are looking at exercise as a way to slow down the ageing process and increase the quality of life.

Full version. Duration: 2’13”

Social media version. Duration: 30”

Mental Health Story

A team of Victoria University (VU) researchers, led by Professor Alex Parker are researching the link between exercise and mental health.

Full version. Duration: 2’33”

Social media version. Duration: 30”

COVID-19​ Story

A team of Victoria University (VU) researchers, led by Professor Vasso Apostolopoulos, have a unique patented vaccine delivery technology that they have already used to develop vaccines against diseases like cancer, diabetes and MS.

Now they’re using a similar, improved technology to create vaccines as part of a larger VU effort to fight Covid-19.

Covid-19 appeal campaign – social media version. Duration: 23”

Covid-19 appeal campaign. Duration 1’47”

Produced in collaboration with Science In Public.

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